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Be More You
12 week 1:2:1 coaching with Lisa Kelly

A 12 week transformational journey that will take you from feeling lost, full of self doubt with a harsh inner critic to feeling empowered, confident and unstoppable.

Do you want to go from feeling like you are unworthy of the love you so freely give to others, to actually feeling what it would be like to give yourself that same love? 

Are you ready to feel like you are good enough exactly the way that you are? Is your next step on your journey to find peace with yourself.


Are you fed up of feeling like you’re not good enough exactly the way you are because you might be single, have a little bit of weight to lose or not earning the money that you desire? 

Especially as others around you seem to be able to be kind to themselves, make progress in life and seem genuinely quite happy with where and who they are. 


Is this where you are at right now?

  • You find it hard to speak up and truly say how you feel? 

  • Everyone else comes before you and you’re not just second on your list - you’re bottom of the pile? 

  • You attract shitty partners and you know you deserve better 

  • You’re constantly checking your body and comparing it to younger you or other people

  • You have and attract shitty relationships, putting yourself second or typically at the bottom of the pile.

  • You hate confrontation and find it hard to speak up and express yourself authentically.

  • You don’t fully trust in yourself and are constantly seeking the approval and validation from others. 

  • You often take shit from others as you know you can handle it so you allow people to treat you like a second choice. 

  • You are constantly critiquing yourself and your appearance, comparing yourself to others who you feel are more attractive than you. 

  • And I bet that you think if you can lose weight, change your job or get a new boyfriend that everything will change and you’ll finally start to feel that inner peace and confidence that I know you are craving.

It’s like I read your mind right?

That’s because… I’ve totally been there. I felt like I was an alien and like there was something wrong with me. You know that mindset when you feel like everyone else is able to speak up, express themselves, put boundaries in place, feel confident in who they are. 

I just couldn’t do it. I was stuck in this mindset that I needed to quieten down the part of my mind that wanted more from life and tell her that settling was ok. 

My health took a turn for the worse and I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease. One that, if you follow the work of Louise Hay comes from “mental hardness”. All that thinking that I just needed to make do showed me exactly why I had to start speaking up & making change. Enter life coaching - changing my mindset to change my life … yes please. I'll take some of that! And that's what I want for you too. 

I went from feeling like settling was my only option, settling with not speaking my truth because my lack of self confidence meant I HATED confrontation and my ‘putting up with it’ skills were an 11/10. I was constantly entertaining emotionally unavailable men, being treated like shit in the workplace and crying every single day because I just wanted someone else to give me a break. I wanted someone else to love me enough to show me I was worth it. Until I realised that the love and acceptance I was craving from others had to come from me first. Within a few months of doing the work and focusing on myself for the first time ever, I started to feel differently about myself. More worthy. More empowered. More confident to be more like me. (Fun fact - I invested in the life coaching course and quickly realised that even if I just took it myself - it was the best investment I had ever made. 

Imagine feeling:

  • confident in your own skin

  • voicing your opinions in moments where you’ve felt silenced

  • Standing up for yourself with confidence 

  • Speaking your truth and putting YOU first 

You know its possible.

You just need some support.

That's why 'Be More You' was built.

Nicola 1:2:1 Client

Thank you so much for our sessions.. they have been invaluable to me. I have watched myself grow so much, in such a short space of time. I have done some things that I had previously thought was out of the question for me. I can vision where I want to be, and I now know I WILL get there.. it’s not a matter of if, but rather when.


I will never forget where it all started. Thank you 🤍 

Like I said, I know exactly what you're going through right now… which is why I created the…

12 weeks to Be More You

Because actually - you don’t need to become anything that you aren’t already. What you NEED is to unlearn all the bullshit that you’ve learned over the years that sees you playing this small version of yourself. 

- Improved self confidence
- More self trust
- Better relationships


The 12 weeks include:

- Weekly 1:1 calls

- Support M-F 10am - 8pm

And this is how we’re going to do it, together! Inside this programme we'll work through…

Phase 1 - Clarity & Belief Work

In order to know where you’re going, we first need to get clear on where you are at. We will look at your current belief system and how this has been keeping you stuck and holding you back. As we identify the limiting beliefs, we will work through releasing them and clearing them and begin the process of reframing them. Therefore releasing the stagnant and negative thoughts and emotions that are currently holding you back.


We will then design your future, equipping you with the tools and action plan to live your newly empowered life. 

Phase 2 - Embodiment & Future Self

I find with many clients that the hardest part for them is embodying the version of themselves they want to be. It can be easy to know who you want to be, but truly showing up as that self assured, confident women is where the real growth happens. 

We will use a variety of holistic approaches to really embed the clarity and belief work we've done, so you can go forward with the knowing that you are living in complete alignment with the women you want to be. 

If you’re well and truly done with feeling like life is passing you by and you’re ready for a life full of self confidence, self trust and empowered living... then let’s make magic together.

Sarah - 1:1 Client 

Working with Lisa has not just increased my confidence and debunked my crazy thoughts and limiting beliefs but it's actually changed my life. When Lisa started coaching me I was in a place of lack. I didn't know what I wanted or the path I wanted to be on.
With Lisa's support and incredible coaching skills I have not only found the path I want to be on but I am on the road and fully making the most of this new found confidence Lisa has ignited in me. Upon starting my sessions with Lisa I had just left a very intense professional  course with a mere 12 weeks of qualifying! Some say I'm crazy but without doing so I wouldn't have worked with Lisa and I wouldn't have believed in myself.
I am now the owner of a start up business and couldn't be happier that I took the time and support of Lisa to really work on myself. I owe much of my success to this incredible lady. Lisa has genuinely changed my life.


Q: How are the coaching sessions structured? 

A: Sessions follow a structured programme but is also tailor made depending on the individual. We go at your pace and there are open sessions mixed in with focus sessions so that you can bring things along as they might come up. 


Q: How much time do I need to invest in this programme to get the best results? 

A The sessions are for an hour once a week. You will also have access to me Monday - Friday to ask any questions as they come up or share any wins/ discoveries you have in your own time. There might be some reflective journal prompts or short homework tasks to complete. As your confidence and self worth grows, you may naturally want to incorporate more rituals that I associate with self love. This will be entirely up to you.

Q: How do you handle confidentiality and privacy? 

A: Everything spoken about between you and I will remain confidential and will be treated with the upmost respect and privacy. I will only ever share things on my website or social media with your consent.

Q: Are payment plans available?

A: Yes! Just head to the payment section and you'll see the payment plan available for this programme.

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